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What Do Protein Shakes Do?

What Do Protein Shakes Do?
Protein shakes allow you to increase your intake of one of the most critical macronutrients. Protein provides amino acids, which are the building blocks of life. If you are looking for a tool to help you lose weight and gain muscle, then the right protein shake might be the answer. The trick is to find the protein shake that best suits your needs because they are not all created equal. So, what do protein shakes do exactly?

What Are Protein Powders?

Protein powders are substances you mix with a fluid to create a protein shake or drink. Protein powders come in three basic formulas: whey, casein, and soy. Whey is the protein found in milk. It is a popular choice because it is a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine of the essential amino acids. Casein is also a type of milk protein. Soy is a vegan alternative for those who don’t eat dairy. Protein powders are a convenient form of protein because they are easily transportable. You can take them with you to work or the gym. In addition, they don’t require refrigeration; they mix with just about any liquid to create a protein shake.

What Are Protein Shakes?

Protein shakes are drinks made with protein powder. The liquid is typically milk or water, but you could mix the powder with most no or low-calorie liquids, including coffee. These shakes can add protein to your diet, help supplement workout recovery, or even serve as a meal replacement. Many people equate protein shakes with premixed products found in stores or gyms. However, these may contain other ingredients than protein powder and the mixing liquid. Some protein shake products have added sugar or salt, for example.

Are Protein Shakes Good for You?

Protein shakes can be good for you if you need added protein in your diet. They also offer additional vitamins and minerals. You do need to do your homework, though. For instance, "Do protein shakes make you fat?" is a common question that's asked because it's known that some will add more calories than anything else. Ideally, you should make your protein shakes using high-quality protein powder. Look for a product without added, unnecessary ingredients like sugars, thickening agents, or artificial flavoring. Even good protein products can have side effects, such as causing gas or bloating. This is especially common with whey protein. They can cause an allergic reaction, too, especially if you have a cow’s milk allergy.

What Are the Benefits of Protein Shakes?

There are some obvious protein shake benefits. First, protein shakes have the nutrients needed to build muscle, which is one of the primary benefits. Increasing muscle mass turns up the heat on your body’s fat-burning engine. That can boost your metabolism. Protein shakes can also help you feel fuller for a longer time. Protein takes longer for the body to digest than other macronutrients such as carbohydrates. It creates a feeling of fullness that can keep you from eating more than you should. There is clear evidence that extra fat around your middle can increase your risk for chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease. Some studies indicate that high-quality protein shakes may help reduce midsection fat storage, improving overall health.

Can Protein Shakes Help You Lose Weight?

There is a connection between protein and weight loss. Adding protein to your diet can boost your metabolism and help you burn fat more efficiently. However, some people struggle with getting the protein they need to make that happen. A protein shake is a convenient tool. Protein can also work to decrease your appetite. This is because it stays in your system longer as the body works to break the protein down. An analysis of five studies showed that participants who added protein to their diets did feel full longer and had better appetite control. Protein is also a necessary part of building muscle mass. Increased muscle means you burn more calories. Weight loss is a math game that requires you to burn more calories than you eat. If you add muscle, your body will naturally burn more.

How Do Protein Shakes Help with Post-Workout Recovery?

Many choose protein shakes for muscle gain. Strength training creates microtears in muscles, and as a result, the body breaks that muscle down and builds it back stronger in order to avoid damage in the future. This is why you have to continue to increase the weight you lift to add muscle mass. Once you adjust to the current weight load, you need to increase it to stress the muscle and start the process over again. Some believe drinking a protein shake after a workout aids recovery. Protein is made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of muscle. In order to build that muscle back, you need enough protein in your diet to create new muscle. Protein shakes add protein to your day to ensure you have the nutrients necessary to benefit from exercise. Drinking a protein shake anytime after your workout may offer this benefit, but it doesn't have to be right after, though, as previously thought.

Can Protein Shakes Give You Energy?

Absolutely, but only the right shakes can do this. UCAN Energy + Protein comes with either whey or pea plant protein, and has the necessary protein to improve your post-workout recovery and give you energy to burn throughout the day with our proprietary ingredient, LIVSTEADY. It also helps in curbing your hunger! The question isn’t "Are protein shakes helpful?" but "What protein shakes offer the most benefit?" You’ll find UCAN’s Energy + Protein products top that list. They come in delicious flavors—including Chocolate, Cocoa, Cookies & Cream, and Vanilla—to satisfy your post workout recovery and leave you feeling full and energetic.
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