Natural Fuel, Designed for Runners.

Less sugar, more energy.

Crafted specifically for runners, Edge is long-lasting, doesn't require chasing with water, and is easy on the stomach. Trusted by the best, it's everything you need to go the extra mile. 

man with edge gel
A blue icon for long-lasting energy, containing a lightning bolt with an arrow circling it.


A blue flame icon representing optimizing fat burn.

No Sugar


Easy on
the Stomach


No Need to Chase With Water

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Edge Starter Pack


edge-straw-banana-box-pouch.png__PID:a07bd4fb-540d-4fe9-8bb4-1dd3053164bbLasting Energy

Edge Energy Gel

Strawberry Banana

variety.webp__PID:51bb7631-cc54-4ba1-958c-d4c84c4ab981No Crash

Edge Energy Gel

Variety Pack!


Trusted by Runners

UCAN has helped me fuel better in training and races, stabilizing my energy and keeping me from crashing during and after workouts.

— Emily Sisson, American Marathon Record Holder

Run Further with Clean Energy

Focused carbs take you farther—that’s where Edge comes in. It’s streamlined, steady energy that’s released slowly over the course of your run. So you can forget about the spike, crash, and stomach discomfort of traditional sugary gels.

Shop Energy Gels
A lineup of UCAN products, including a Berry Hydrate jar, Strawberry Banana Edge energy gel box, Cran Raz energy powder tub, Cookies n Cream Energy + Protein bag, Chocolate Almond Butter Energy Bar box, and Hydrate + Aminos Packets.
A woman taking a UCAN Chocolate Almond Butter energy bar from a runner's pouch.

Powered by LIVSTEADY

UCAN’s proprietary, low glycemic carbohydrate breaks down slowly, delivering long-lasting energy with no spike and crash. Clinically proven to help keep blood sugar stable, LIVSTEADY supports sustained performance, enhanced fat burn and optimal energy levels.


Why Runners Rely on Edge


"The Edge provides a steady and comfortable release of energy whether it is warm enough to run outside or I am on the treadmill in the basement."

— Jim G.


"Used the Strawberry Banana energy gels for the first time at a cross country running race last Sunday and felt the strongest I have all season."

— Dave D.


"I absolutely loved these! I’ve only tried the strawberry banana but I’m looking forward to trying all the other flavors. The texture of these gels are what make them great, they have much more fluidity than all the others, and the flavor is pretty good. I didn’t need to drink water after taking it which to me is a plus!"

— Carol C.

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Edge Starter Pack


edge-straw-banana-box-pouch.png__PID:a07bd4fb-540d-4fe9-8bb4-1dd3053164bbLasting Energy

Edge Energy Gel

Strawberry Banana

variety.webp__PID:51bb7631-cc54-4ba1-958c-d4c84c4ab981No Crash

Edge Energy Gel

Variety Pack!