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Stay in the Game Longer with Olympian Meb Keflezighi

Stay in the Game Longer with Olympian Meb Keflezighi

Meb Keflezighi is the only athlete in history to win the New York Marathon (2009), the Boston Marathon (2014) and an Olympic Medal (Silver Medalist, 2004). How has he stayed strong and healthy all of these years? Carrie Tollefson, another Olympic runner, asks Meb about the facets of his training, nutrition, and lifestyle that led him to such a successful running career and help him continue to run strong today. Watch the full video below or scroll down to read Meb's key tips!



What is your daily nutrition like and how has it changed since you retired?

Meb Keflezighi advice for balanced nutrition is to find a lifestyle that works for you and your schedule. Now that he is a retired athlete, he is not as strict with his nutrition as he was when he was racing full time. However, Meb is still a huge proponent of a healthy nutrition routine. Meb promotes consistency - there’s nothing wrong with occasionally indulging in a homemade cookie if most of the time you eat a well-balanced, nutritious diet.

UCAN is still a big part of Meb’s daily diet and running regimen. He uses his favorite Chocolate Protein + Energy flavor in a breakfast shake to support his post-run recovery almost every day! And Carrie says that she uses it for more of a dessert-like milkshake! The key is to find something you love and makes you feel healthy and strong.

How do you stay as healthy as possible?

LISTEN to yourself. Meb says that it is absolutely important to “know your body” and listen to it when it tells you something may be wrong. Some runners may be more likely to push through an injury, but it is a skill to recognize that you may have an issue and give your body ample time and opportunity to heal. After all, small breaks in your training for proper recovery are better in the long run than having to take months off due to a larger issue.

Don’t sweat taking a few weeks off to figure out what is wrong, and focus on strength training and mobility. INVEST in yourself. Another one of Meb’s philosophies is “invest in your body.” Whether it is buying a pair of comfortable shoes or CEP compression gear to keep your feet in good shape, or dedicating time each week to strengthen and cross-train, invest in yourself to create a routine that is essential for longevity as a runner.


How do you keep running enjoyable after so many years?

Proper sleep, balanced nutrition, and solid recovery time. These are all vital habits to staying a healthy and happy runner. But Meb’s final point is another huge aspect of staying strong for decades: don’t lose your passion for running. Meb’s advice consists of finding what makes you happy about running, and focus on that.

Is it time out in nature? Find a new trail to explore. Do you run to seek peace in your busy day? Remind yourself how grateful you feel to enjoy moments of quiet “me-time.” These are stressful times for us all - but running may be able to bolster your mental toughness. Meb Keflezighi says that if there are moments of stress in his life, he always feels happier after a run - no matter how long or fast it is.

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